maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2024

Wonderful picnic at the Arboretum

My local egl community arranged a wonderful day at the arboretum in Tampere. The weather was perfect, and people were wearing bright colors. We had nice shared snacks and we did little bit walking around the park as well.
Group2 Group5 Group3 bags3 Picnic1 Creamsoda group10 Group6 hat3 hat1 hat5 hat4 hat7 hattu2 parasol
My outfit of the day:
OP, socks, bag: Angelic Pretty
Hat: Modified by me, from Aliexpress
All other: off brand

sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2024

Summery Field - Chaton Jardin

I like the dress from Chaton Jardin a lot, BUT I had to wait for it 57 days that made me just very angry :D And I missed opportunity to buy matching hat, belt and brooch for the dress. I like these field photos, they are calm and summery and the contrast is very pretty between green and pink.
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perjantai 5. heinäkuuta 2024