Ensimmäinen mekko on Restyleltä tilattu, materiaali mustaa jacguard-satiinia. Kangas on itseasiassa aivan tasaista, vaikka itse olisin kuvitellut että kuviot on koholla kuten brokadeissa. Hintaa mekolla oli 38.30€+ kaikki mahdolliset ylimääräiset kulut mitä restyle voikaan keksiä.
Toinen mekko on taas ebayn ihmeellisestä maailmasta, ja merkki on Hell Bunny. Tämä mekko maksaa cybershopissa noin 100€, kun minä taas maksoin siitä 40€ sis postit ^^
Pidän siitä kovasti koska se on hieman " erilainen" mekko, koska siinä on tuo huppu :)

I did it again -.-' A couple more dresses to my wardrobe! :D
The first dress is ordered from restyle, and material os jacguard black satin. The fabrick is actually quite smooth, I imagined that shapes would be raised, such as brocade. Price of the dress was 38,30 € + all extra cost what I can imagine.
The second dress is from ebays wonderful world, and brand is Hell Bunny. This dress costs like 100€ in local Cybershop, when I paid about 40€ including shipping. ( whee, its cheaper to order almost everything from foreign countrys )
I like the dress very much because it is little " different" than others, because of that hood! ^^
The restyle dress is so lovely. The sheen on the fabric is amazing. I thought it would be a hard fabric but as you say it was smooth I think the dress is even more wonderful.
VastaaPoistaVoij miten kauniita mekkoja taas! :)Varsinkin tuo ensmäinen on miun mieleen, kangas on nimittäin todella kaunis. ^^ ♥
VastaaPoistalinnea-maria: I agree, I like a lot that material, but it get wrinkles very easily :/
VastaaPoistaVivian: Juu, se eka on kyllä tosi naisellinen malli :)
Beautiful dresses! I really love the necklace in the first photo.