maanantai 1. heinäkuuta 2024

Arboretum and cake

Egl Tampere community

It was a very warm day when we dicided to have some cake and wear frills, but it was fun and we were able to take nice photos as well.
My coord was:
Jsk and cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Hat: Aliexpress / self modified ( Mushrooms!! )
Socs: Roji Roji
Shoes: Minna Parikka
Bag: Metamoprhose temps de fille
Untitled Untitled 1
After the cake we took some nice photos in Hatanpää Arboretum. Too bad, it was not a season for roses yet, but some other flowers were blooming.
21 18 20 11 19 14 10 9 7 4 3

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