I got an order, where I had to design a Viking / Game of thrones style vest for men.
So here is the picture what I got, I needed to make something like that.
My vest is made of recycled materials, and I think I made pretty good with them.
Pimp my chest !
I found the treasure chest from the flea market!
It is covered with copper, and someone has made beautiful carvings to it. From the inside the color was just weird, so I wanted to change it. I thought that red would fit much better ^^
All I needed was red velvet and contact adhesive. And here is the result!
I went to places in Helsinki.
Such as Suomenlinna and Korkeasaari. Last time when I visited in those places I was a kid. This is how the Finnish army recruits people. The maritime school has open doors once a year, I was in the right place at the right time. The first aircraft show I have ever seen. I went inside the submarine. Was quite windy, and I was graceful as an elephant ^^ I went to see animals in the Helsinki zoo ( Korkeasaari )
I saw there angry peacocks, disturbed bears and playful tigers. The bear constantly walked around the circle. I think it wanted to be free :( Good food, good company.. And movies. That's all I need ^^