maanantai 26. helmikuuta 2018
Winter Moitie Look
Sometimes it´s hard to wear Lolita in Finland ^^
But I wanted to try my new Gothic Arch Print Skirt from Moitie.
My outfit:
Coat, Bag, Skirt, Headdresses, Earrings, Necklase, Brooch: Moi meme Moitie
Fur collar: Secondhand
Vest: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Red Queens Black Legion
Shoes: Pennangalan
tiistai 20. helmikuuta 2018
lauantai 17. helmikuuta 2018
Making Valentine's Day cards
I just realized that, that I could send Valentine's Day cards. I didn't want to buy a ready card, so I decided to make the cards myself. As always, the idea came out of hands ^^
In Finland Valentine's Day is actually translated as " Friends Day", so I made two cards for my two best friends.
I bought a lot of cardboard where I cut two big cards. I also bought other supplies like Glitter Glue, so I glued to the cards everything what just came to my mind. I also ordered some photographs about me and my friends, and I glued them to the cards. I have taken pretty stuff on hold, like those Monster High pictures.
Some pretty stuff as Friends Day present :)
tiistai 13. helmikuuta 2018
Winter Lolita Look
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