tiistai 29. tammikuuta 2019

Coffin case & frames

I'm very happy with my new coffin bag, which is more fancy than I expected.
I hope I could start traveling right away!
The bag is suitable for air travel and can hold a surprising amount of goods.
.. and it is super gothic!
All right, something about frames and decoration.
Frames can be quite expensive when they are bought from the store as new.
I was able to find old frames from the flea market with reasonable prices. These frames are actually made in Finland, and could cost 15-20€ / piece when bought as new, so I was very lucky to have them like 1€/ each.
I ordered pictures from Ifolor, and framed then. The most beautiful man ever, Mana sama^^
Two larger pictures are about me and my best girls, last year in Eternal Twiligt event.
I like to use a lot of frames and pictures ( and skulls, poison bottles...) when decorating my home. Dracula is one of my favorite movie, so I like Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder looking at me when I'm cooking ^^
frame4 frame5 frame6

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