lauantai 20. joulukuuta 2014

I Miss Summer

I miss summer, I miss the ice cream, eating out, high heels, pretty dresses, the sun, the light, flowers, green trees, the heat, blue lakes, ice cold drinks, festivals, and my friends.
I found a few pictures from last summer, and they make me happy :)
summer1 summer2 summer3 summer4
These pictures are from Ropecon 2014, I don't know who took the pictures, but I lend them a bit. ( If I offend any copyright, I will take pictures off, of course)
summer5 summer6 summer7

P.S I had an accident yesterday, I was driving towards my hometown. Visibility was poor and the road my car slipped over the field. The speed was slow, and the road was straight but still this happened. Fortunately, I was driving like grandmother, otherwise the car would have gone around.
I was lucky because the local people helped me, thank you very much to them!
Be very very very careful on the road! Anything can happen! Afford a lot of time for the journey, do not rush!!
If my car had slid ten feet past the way, I would have come across a BIG tree.. and I probably would not be here. And my guinea pigs would be dead.
It could have ended really badly, but I was lucky. Car can not be driven right now but I and my guinea pigs are well. I had to leave the car for repair, the front is broken and the coolant is in the yard. But it's just a sheet metal, it can be repaired.

In that day there were a lot of car accidents, others did not go as well as I :/
Merry Christmas to me!

5 kommenttia:

  1. Wow!You two look sooooo incredibly stunning! *.*

  2. Onneks ei käyny pahemmin, tiet on tosiaan liukkaita, eikä aina ole oma vika jos jotain tapahtuu (vaikka uutisissa on paljon tarkotuksellisista turmista ollukin viime aikoina). HYvä että oot elossa ja samoin marsut :)
    Kesäiset asut on oikein, tykkään tuosta mustasta kynämekosta ja nuo kengätkin on oikein nätit molemmilla. ^^

  3. Thank godness youre ok! Merry Christmas!

  4. Urzelgruz: Thanks! :)

    Milex: ^^

    HuggyHare: Yleensä useimmillahan on liikan kova vauhti siihen nähden mikä keli on, mutta itsehän ajelin kuin mummo ja silti päädyin ojaan. Ehkä mulla on vaan paskat talvirenkaat, vaikka ei niiden kovin vanhat pitäneet olla. Tai ehkä oon vaan paska kuski ^^ ( varokaa vastaantulijat !! )

    linnea-maria: Thanks! Merry Xmas for you too! :)


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